Thursday, July 21, 2011

Recognized Medical Pathies in India…

Four different recognized pathies in Medical practice in India.
Main pathy practiced by Doctors is allopathic…means more than 95 % of Doctors does practice allopathic medicines…But the number of allopathic Doctors are less than 20 %.
There is nothing like alternative medicine in India…rather Ayurvedic medicines is the invention of ancient India and today also practiced as basic first medical science.
Homeopathic medicine is third way practiced in India by Homeopathic Doctors…and fourth pathy is Unani medicines.
Acupressure / acupuncture are another mode practiced with honor in India…which does not come under any of the above heading.
There are few who do practice medicines by using aroma therapy, touch therapy, massage & yoga therapy, naturopathy, ozone therapy,…………….

Friday, July 8, 2011

No alternative to Allopath…

Though there are other three pathies other than allopath practiced in India…There is no option to allopath.
In cases of accident there can not be treatment other than by allopath.
In acute emergency cases one has to take treatment by allopathic ways.
There is no ayurvedic way of cesarean operation…or there no special ayurvedic way to conduct normal delivery though prenatal therapy to smoothen delivery of baby is being practiced by few devoted ayurvedic doctors in India.
There is no any non allopathic diagnostic way till the date. The ayurveda and homeopath often take help of investigations and diagnostic tests done by allopath ways.
Modern ayurveda and homeopath goes with hands in hands with allopath in India as far as practice of medicine is concerned.